Otto I the Illustrious, duke of Saxony 836-912 Liudolf I "the Great", duke of Saxony y Oda of Billung

Hedwig of Babenberg 853-903 Heinrich von Babenberg, Markgraf in Friesland y Ingeltrude
Liudolf I "the Great", duke of Saxony 805-64 Margrave Bruno y Unknown Mother of Liudolf

Oda of Billung 808-913 e unbekannter Prinz Billung von Sachsen y Adelaid or Athalia
Margrave Bruno 786-843 Wichbert, duke of Saxony y Sindacilla / Odrade
Wichbert, duke of Saxony 780-827 Widukind, duke of Saxony y Svatana of the Saxons
Widukind, duke of Saxony 735-807 Wernicke, King of the Saxons y Kunhilde of Rügen
Svatana of the Saxons 760 Bernard
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