San Leopoldo III (en alemán: Luitpold, 1073 - 15 de noviembre de 1136) fue margrave de Austria desde 1095 hasta su muerte en 1136. Era miembro de la Casa de Babenberg. Fue canonizado el 6 de enero de 1485 y se convirtió en el santo patrono de Austria, Baja Austria, Alta Austria y Viena. Su fiesta es el 15 de noviembre.1
Leopoldo nació en el castillo de Babenberg, era hijo del margrave Leopoldo II y su esposa Ida de Formbach-Ratelnberg.

Inés de Alemania o Inés de Waiblingen (1072 - 24 de septiembre de 1143) era hija del emperador Enrique IV y de Bertha de Saboya. Sus abuelos maternos fueron Otón, Conde de Savoya, Aosta y Moriana y Adelaida, marquesa de Turín y Susa.

Leopold II (German: Luitpold, 1050 – 12 October 1095), known as Leopold the Fair (German: Luitpold der Schöne), was the Margrave of Austria from 1075 to his death in 1095. He was a member of the House of Babenberg.[1]
Leopold the Fair was born in 1050, the son of Ernest and Adelaide of Eilenburg, the daughter of Dedi I, Margrave of the Saxon Ostmark.

Ida of Austria (c. 1055 – September 1101) was a consort of Leopold II of Austria. She was a crusader, participating in the Crusade of 1101 with her own army.[1]
She was the daughter of Rapoto IV of Cham and Mathilde. She is also known as Itha. She married Leopold II of Austria and bore him a son, Leopold III, and daughter called Ida, spoused to Luitpold, Duke of Moravia. She was known as one of the great beauties of her day.
Ernest (German: Ernst, 1027 – 10 June 1075), known as Ernest the Brave (Ernst der Tapfere), was the Margrave of Austria from 1055 to his death in 1075. He was a member of the House of Babenberg.[1]
He was born to Margrave Adalbert of Austria and his wife Frozza Orseolo, daughter of Doge Otto Orseolo of Venice. He increased the territory of his margraviate by amalgamating the Bohemian and Hungarian frontier marches up to the Thaya, March and Leitharivers in what is today Lower Austria. In his time, the colonisation of the remote Waldviertel region was begun by his ministeriales, the Kuenring knights.

Adelaide of Eilenburg (c. 1030 – 26 January 1071) was a German noblewoman. She was a daughter of Margrave Dedi I of the Saxon Eastern March and his first wife, Oda of Lusatia.
Adalbert (German: Albrecht, c. 985 – 26 May 1055), known as Adalbert the Victorious (German: Albrecht der Siegreiche), was the Margrave of Austria from 1018 until his death in 1055. He was a member of the House of Babenberg.[1]
Adalbert the Victorious was the third son of Leopold the Illustrious and Richardis of Sualafeldgau. He succeeded as Margrave upon the death of his older brother, Henry I, Margrave of Austria.

Frozza Orseolo (1015 - 17 February 1071) was the third royal consort of Austria. Frozza was a daughter of Otto Orseolo,[1] Doge of Venice, and granddaughter of Pietro II Orseolo.[2] Her brother was Peter, King of Hungary,[3] and she was possibly a sister-in-law of Judith of Schweinfurt.
Leopold I (also Liutpold; c. 940 – 10 July 994), known as the Illustrious (German: der Erlauchte), a member of the House of Babenberg, was Margrave of Austria from 976 until his death.[1] He was the first margrave of the Babenberg dynasty which ruled of the March and Duchy of Austria until its extinction in 1246.
The origins of Leopold the Illustrious are not known. According to early traditions, documented by Bishop Otto of Freising in the twelfth century, he is descended from Duke Henry of Franconia and the Elder Babenberg family (Popponids) whose genealogy is documented in Franconia Nobility.[2] According to some sources, his father Berthold was count in the Nordgau, the region north of Ratisbon (Regensburg) in the Duchy of Bavaria.[1] A more recent theory identifies Leopold as a younger son of Duke Arnulf of Bavaria[3] and brother (or nephew) of Count Berthold of Schweinfurt. While his ancestry remains disputed, some affiliation with the ducal Luitpoldings dynasty is probable.

Richardis of Sualafeldgau (Richarda) (945/950 - 994) was the first Austrian royal consort as the wife of Leopold I, Margrave of Austria. She was born between 945 and 950 to Count Ernst IV of Sualafeldgau. She was probably related to Adalbero of Eppenstein, Duke of Carinthia.
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