Berthe de Flanders, Countess Of Flanders 987-1025 Baldwin III, count of Flanders y Mathilde of Saxony, countess of Flanders
Baldwin III, count of Flanders 940-62 Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders y Adele of Vermandois

Mathilde of Saxony, countess of Flanders 942-1008 Hermann I, duke of Saxony y Hildegard von Westerburg
Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders 890-965 Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders y Ælfthryth, countess of Flanders

Adele of Vermandois 910-60 Héribert II, count of Vermandois y Liegarde Princess of France
Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders 863-918 Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", count of Flanders y Judith, countess of Flanders

Ælfthryth, countess of Flanders 877-929 Alfred the Great, king of the Anglo-Saxons y Ealhswith

Baldwin I "Iron-Arm", count of Flanders 835-79
Judith, countess of Flanders 844-70 Charles II "the Bald", Western Emperor y Ermentrude of Orléans, queen of the Franks

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