jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017


Goswin of the Obodtrites 590-615  Radagest II, 23th King of the Herulii y Gubertina de Granada 

Radagest II, 23th King of the Herulii  Jean I, 22nd King of the Herulii y Euphemia, of Norway 

Gubertina de Granada 570-90 

Jean I, 22nd King of the Herulii 520-618  Albericus, 21st King of the Herulii y Syrisca von Sarmatien 

Euphemia, of Norway 530-50

Albericus, 21st King of the Herulii 486-526  Albericus 20th king of the Herulii y Théodora of Burgondie 

Syrisca von Sarmatien 490-525

Albericus 20th king of the Herulii 470 

Théodora of Burgondie 470

Visilaus? Of The Herulii

Adolla of the Saxons 405-65

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