Albert was born in Ansbach in Franconia as the third son of Frederick I, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach. His mother wasSophia, daughter of Casimir IV Jagiellon, Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland, and his wife Elisabeth of Austria. He was raised for a career in the Church and spent some time at the court of Hermann IV of Hesse, Elector of Cologne, who appointed him canon of the Cologne Cathedral. Not only was he quite religious, he was also interested in mathematics and science, and sometimes is claimed to have contradicted the teachings of the Church in favour of scientific theories. His career was forwarded by the Church however and institutions of the Catholic clerics supported his early advance.

Anna Marie of Brunswick-Lüneburg (also: Anna Maria of Brunswick-Göttingen-Calenberg; German: Anna Maria von Braunschweig-Calenberg-Göttingen; born: 23 April 1532 in Hann. Münden;[1] died: 20 March 1568 in Gurievsk (German:Neuhausen) near Königsberg) was a Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneberg by birth and by marriage Duchess of Prussia.
Anna Maria was the daughter of Duke Eric I of Brunswick-Calenberg (1470–1540) and Elizabeth of Brandenburg (1510–1558). She married in 1550 Margrave Albert I of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1490–1568), who had been created the first Duke of Prussia in 1525; she was his second wife. Albert died of the plague on 20 March 1568 at Tapiau Castle. Anna Maria herself died 16 hours later.
John Albert I, Duke of Mecklenburg, in older literature known as John or Johann (23 December 1525 in Güstrow – 12 February 1576 in Schwerin), was the reigning Duke of Mecklenburg-Güstrow from 1547 to 1556 and of Mecklenburg-Schwerin from 1556 to 1576. In 1549 John Albert I saw to it that the parliament of Mecklenburg carried through the Reformation for the entire Duchy.
John Albert was the eldest son of the Duke Albrecht VII of Mecklenburg-Güstrow and his wife Anne of Brandenburg. Until the age of 13, he was educated by the "papist vicar" Johann Sperling. In 1539, his father sent him to he court of his uncle, the protestantElector Joachim II of Brandenburg, where he was educated together with the Elector's son John George. From 1541 to 1544, they attended the newly founded University of Frankfurt an der Oder together. John Albert was a convince supporter of Protestantismwhen he returned to Mecklenburg. Nevertheless, he fought on the imperial side in the Schmalkaldic War, at his father's request.

Anna Sophia of Prussia (11 June 1527 in Königsberg – 6 February 1591 in Lübz) was a German noblewoman. She was a duchess in Prussia by birth and by marriage Duchess of Mecklenburg.
Anna Sophie was the oldest and only surviving child of Duke Albert of Prussia (1490-1568) from his first marriage with Dorothea(1504-1547), a daughter of King Frederick I of Denmark. From her mother, she received an extensive education in naturopathyand gynecology.[1] Already in 1546, the estates of Prussia agreed to a so-called "dowry tax" to provide the dowry of 30000 guilders she would receive when she married.

Adolf of Holstein-Gottorp (25 January 1526 – 1 October 1586) was the first Duke of Holstein-Gottorp from the line of Holstein-Gottorp of the House of Oldenburg.
He was the third son of King Frederick I of Denmark and his second wife Sophie of Pomerania. Frederick had his son educated by Landgrave Philip I of Hesse. He spent four years in the Philip's castle in Kassel.

Christine of Hesse (29 June 1543 – 13 May 1604) was Duchess consort of Holstein-Gottorp as the spouse of Duke Adolf of Holstein-Gottorp. She exerted some political influence as a widow after 1586.
Christine was born in Kassel as a daughter of Landgrave Philip I of Hesse and his spouse Christine of Saxony. She was given a strict Protestant upringing by her aunt Elizabeth, Dowager Duchess of Saxony.

Edzard II, Count of East Frisia was count of East Frisia, (Greetsiel, June 24, 1532 – Aurich, March 1, 1599) and the son of Enno II of East Frisia and Anna of Oldenburg.
During his reign, he came into conflict with the city of Emden. Edzard was a staunch Lutheran while the city of Emden was mostlyCalvinistic. In 1595 Emden revolted and, after an intercession by the Calvinistic Dutch Republic, Edzard was forced to accept a large degree of independence from Emden.

Catherine Vasa (Swedish: Katarina Gustavsdotter Vasa; 6 June 1539 – 21 December 1610) was a Swedish princess, and the Countess consort of East Frisia as the spouse of Edzard II, Count of East Frisia. She was the oldest daughter of Gustav Vasa andMargareta Leijonhufvud. She was the eutonomous Regent of Berum and Norden in Ostfriesland (East Frisia) from 1599 to 1610

Anthony I, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst (1505 – 22 January 1573, Oldenburg) was a member of the House of Oldenburg and was the Imperial Count of the Counties of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst within the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation. His parents were John V, Count of Oldenburg (1460-1525) and Anna of Anhalt-Zerbst.
Günther XL, Count of Schwarzburg nicknamed the Rich or Günther with the fat mouth (31 October 1499 in Sondershausen – 10 November 1552 in Gehren), was a ruling Count of Schwarzburg.
Guenther was the eldest son of Count Henry XXXI of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg (1473–1526) and his first wife Magdalena of Hohnstein (1480–1504). Over time, Günther united all but one all of the Schwarzburg possessions in one hand He introducedProtestantism in his country and fought on the Protestant side against the emperor in the Schmalkaldic War. Günther benefitted considerably from the political downfall of the Ernestine branch of the House of Wettin.
Christian I of Saxony (Dresden, 29 October 1560 – Dresden, 25 September 1591) was Elector of Saxony from 1586 to 1591. He belonged to the Albertine line of the House of Wettin.
He was the sixth but second surviving son of Elector Augustus of Saxony and Anna of Denmark. The death of his older brother, Alexander (8 October 1565), made him the new heir apparent to the Electorate of Saxony.
Christian succeeded his father when he died, in 1586. His chancellor was Nikolaus Krell. During his reign, the first measurement was made of the Electorate of Saxony by Matthias Oeder. Later, the work of Oeder was continued by Balthasar Zimmermann until 1633 and completed as far as possible.
Sophie of Brandenburg (6 June 1568 – 7 December 1622) was a Princess of Brandenburg and by marriage Electress of Saxony. From 1591 she was the regent of Saxony during the minority of her son Christian II.
Sophie was born at Zechlin castle, Rheinsberg, a daughter of the Elector of Brandenburg John George (1525–1598) by his second marriage with Sabina of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1548–1575), daughter of Margrave George of Brandenburg-Ansbach.

Albert Frederick German: Albrecht Friedrich, Polish: Albrecht Fryderyk; 7 May 1553 in Königsberg – 28 August 1618 inFischhausen (Rybaki) was Duke of Prussia from 1568 until his death. He was a son of Albert of Prussia and Anna Marie of Brunswick-Lüneburg. He was the second and last Prussian duke of the Ansbach branch of the Hohenzollern family.
Magnus II, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Güstrow (1441 – 20 November 1503) was duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin from 1477 until his death.
He was the son of Henry IV, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and Dorothea of Brandenburg, daughter of Elector Frederick I of Brandenburg. Duke Henry IV had re-united the Mecklenburg lands under his rule through his inheritance of the former Lordships ofWerle and Stargard in 1436 and 1471, respectively. Near the end of his life, Henry IV devoted more and more time to hedonistic luxury, while Magnus and his brothers Albert and John took over the most active share in the business of government. John died in 1474 leaving a grieving widow, Sophie of Pomerania-Stettin, daughter of Duke Eric II of Pomerania, whom Magnus married himself in 1478.

Sophie of Pomerania-Stettin (c. 1460 – 26 April 1504, Wismar), was Duchess of Mecklenburg by marriage from 1478 to 1504.
She was the daughter of Eric II of Pomerania-Wolgast († 1474) and his wife Sophia of Pomerania-Stolp († 1497).
Joaquín I Nestor Hohenzollern Wettin
(Joaquín Hohenzollern Wettin)
Joaquín I Nestor de Brandenburgo
Elector Brandenburgo (1499-1535), Margrave Brandenburgo (1499-1535)
Joaquín I Nestor de Brandenburgo
Elector Brandenburgo (1499-1535), Margrave Brandenburgo (1499-1535)
- Nacido el 21 de febrero 1484 - Berlin, Deutschland
- Fallecido el 1 de julio 1535 - Stendal, Alemania , a la edad de 51 años
- Juan II Hohenzollern Zähringen, Elector Brandenburgo 1455-1499
- Margarita Wettin Habsburgo 1449-1501
Isabel Oldemburgo Sajonia
Isabel de Dinamarca- Nacida el 24 de junio 1485
- Fallecida el 10 de junio 1555 - Berlin, Deutschland , a la edad de 69 años
- Juan I Oldemburgo Hohenzollern, Rey Dinamarca 1455-1513
- Cristina Wettin Wittelsbach, Reina Consorte Dinamarca 1461-1521
Federico I Hohenzollern Wettin
(Federico Hohenzollern Wettin)Federico I de Brandenburg-Ansbach
Margrave Brandenburg-Ansbach (1486-1536), Margrave Brandenburg-Kulmbach (1495-1515)
- Nacido el 8 de mayo 1460 - Ansbach, Alemania
- Fallecido el 4 de abril 1536 - Ansbach, Alemania , a la edad de 75 años
- Alberto III Hohenzollern Wittelsbach, Margrave Brandenburg-Ansbach 1414-1486
- Ana Wettin Habsburgo 1437-1512
Sofía Jagellón Habsburgo
Sofía de Polonia- Nacida el 6 de mayo 1464 - Kraków, Polska
- Fallecida el 5 de octubre 1512 - Ansbach, Alemania , a la edad de 48 años
- Casimiro IV Jagellón Jagellón, Król Polski 1427-1492
- Isabel Habsburgo Luxemburgo 1436-1505 (Reina Consorte Polonia (1454-1492),Gran Duquesa Consorte Lituania (1454-1492))
Federico I Oldemburgo Hohenzollern
(Federico Oldemburgo Hohenzollern)Federico I de Dinamarca
Konge Danmark y Norge (1523-1533), Hertug Slesvig-Holsten-Gottorp (1490-1533)
- Nacido el 7 de octubre 1471 - Copenhague, Dinamarca
- Fallecido el 10 de abril 1533 , a la edad de 61 años
- Cristián I Oldemburgo Schauenburg, Rey Dinamarca 1426-1481
- Dorotea Hohenzollern Ascania 1430-1495
Ana Hohenzollern Wettin
Ana de BrandenburgoDuquesa Consorte Schleswig y Holstein (1502-1514)
- Nacida el 27 de agosto 1487 - Berlin, Deutschland
- Fallecida el 3 de mayo 1514 - Kiel, Alemania , a la edad de 26 años
- Juan II Hohenzollern Zähringen, Elector Brandenburgo 1455-1499
- Margarita Wettin Habsburgo 1449-1501
Cristián I (en danés Christian I, en noruego y sueco Kristian I) (febrero de 1426 - 21 de mayo de 1481). Rey de Dinamarca(1448 - 1481), Noruega (1450 - 1481) y Suecia (1457 - 1464). También duque de Schleswig y conde de Holstein de 1460 a1481. Fue el primero de una larga lista de reyes provenientes de la Casa de Oldemburgo.
Cristián I nació en febrero de 1426 en Oldemburgo, (Alemania), hijo del conde Teodorico de Oldemburgo y de Hedvig de Holstein. Cuando su padre falleció en 1440, Cristián heredó el título de conde de Oldemburgo y Delmenhorst. Por ese mismo tiempo fue nombrado por su tío Adolfo VIII de Holstein como su sucesor para ocupar el condado de Holstein.

Dorotea de Brandeburgo (1430/1431 - Kalundborg, 10 de noviembre de 1495). Reina consorte de la Unión de Kalmar, esposa del rey Cristóbal de Baviera y después de la muerte de éste, de Cristián I. Duquesa de Oldemburgo y de Schleswig-Holstein.
Dorotea era hija del margrave Juan de Brandeburgo-Kulmach y de la duquesa Bárbara de Anhalt. Tuvo dos hermanas: Bárbara de Brandeburgo (1423-1481), quien sería duquesa de Milán, e Isabel (fallecida en 1451), quien sería duquesa de Pomerania.

Borislao X Griffins Griffins
- Nacido el 3 de junio 1454 - Darłowo, Polonia
- Fallecido el 5 de octubre 1523 - Szczecin, Polonia , a la edad de 69 años
- Enrique II Griffins Ascania, Duque Pomerania 1418-1474
- Sofía Griffins Piast 1435-1497
Ana Jagellón Habsburgo
Ana de Polonia- Nacida el 12 de marzo 1476
- Fallecida el 12 de septiembre 1503 , a la edad de 27 años
- Casimiro IV Jagellón Jagellón, Król Polski 1427-1492
- Isabel Habsburgo Luxemburgo 1436-1505 (Reina Consorte Polonia (1454-1492),Gran Duquesa Consorte Lituania (1454-1492))
Guillermo II, Landgrave de Hesse o Guillermo Medio (para diferenciarlo de su hermano Guillermo I, el viejo y de su primoGuillermo III, el joven), nació el 29 de abril de 1469 y murió el 11 de julio de 1509, fue el Landgrave de Hesse desde 1493 hasta su muerte, en 1509.
Sus padres fueron Luis II, landgrave de Hesse (1438-1471) y Matilda, hija del Conde Luis II de Württemberg.
Ana Mecklenburg Griffins
Ana de Mecklenburg-Schwerin
- Nacida el 14 de septiembre 1485 - Plau am See, Alemania
- Fallecida el 12 de mayo 1525 - Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland , a la edad de 39 años
- Magnus II Mecklenburg Hohenzollern, Duque Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1441-1503
- Sofía Griffins Griffins, Duquesa Consorte Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1460-1504
Jorge Wettin Poděbrady
Jorge de SajoniaDuque Sajonia (1500-1539), Margrave Meissen (1500-1539)
- Nacido el 27 de agosto 1471 - Meissen, Alemania
- Fallecido el 17 de abril 1539 - Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland , a la edad de 67 años
- Alberto III Wettin Habsburgo, Duque Sajonia 1443-1500
- Sidonia Poděbrady Sternberg 1449-1510
Bárbara Jagellón Habsburgo
Bárbara de PoloniaDuquesa Consorte Sajonia (1500-1534)
- Nacida el 15 de julio 1478 - Sandomierz, Polonia
- Fallecida el 15 de febrero 1534 - Leipzig, Sachsen, Deutschland , a la edad de 55 años
- Casimiro IV Jagellón Jagellón, Król Polski 1427-1492
- Isabel Habsburgo Luxemburgo 1436-1505 (Reina Consorte Polonia (1454-1492),Gran Duquesa Consorte Lituania (1454-1492))
Gustavo I de Suecia, también llamado Gustavo Vasa (12 de mayo de 1496 - 29 de septiembre de 1560), Rey de Suecia desde 1523 hasta su muerte. En su tiempo fue llamado Gustavo Eriksson (hijo de Erik). El nombre de su familia, Vasa, no era empleado en esa época, sino hasta bien entrado el siglo XVII, cuando ese nombre fue creado, en referencia al escudo de armas de la familia. Sus padres fueron Erik Johansson y Cecilia Månsdotter.

Margarita Eriksdotter, conocida también en la actualidad como Margarita Leijonhufvud (Gräfsnäs, 1516 - Tynnelsö, 26 de agosto de 1551), fue reina de Suecia desde 1536 hasta su muerte, como la segunda esposa de Gustavo I de Suecia.
Margarita era hija de Erik Abrahamsson, miembro del Consejo Real, y de Ebba Eriksdotter, miembro de la dinastía Vasa.
Cuando contaba con cuatro años de edad, el 8 de noviembre de 1520 su padre fue ejecutado en la plaza central de Estocolmo, en las persecuciones llevadas a cabo por el rey Cristián II conocidas como el baño de sangre de Estocolmo.
Contrajo matrimonio con el rey Gustavo Vasa el 1 de octubre de 1536, convirtiéndose así en la segunda esposa del monarca, un año después de la muerte de Catalina de Sajonia-Lauemburgo. La nueva reina era veinte años menor que su marido.
Margarita llevó una vida sencilla, tranquila y retraída en la corte y pasaba largo tiempo en las propiedades reales en el campo. Su carácter compasivo contrastaba con el de su marido, pero al parecer el matrimonio fue bastante afortunado. Ella mantuvo su fecatólica mientras la reforma protestante se instalaba en el país y el rey permitía el saqueo de iglesias y monasterios, al tiempo que él mismo adquiría la nueva religión.

Günther XL di Schwarzburg, detto anche Günther di Schwarzburg-Blankenburg (Sondershausen, 31 ottobre 1499 – Gehren, 10 novembre 1552), è stato conte diSchwarzburg.
Günther era il figlio maggiore del conte Enrico XXXI di Schwarzburg-Blankenburg (1473-1526) e della sua prima moglie, la contessa Maddalena di Hohnstein (1480-1504).
Elisabetta (m. 1572), figlia del conte Filippo di Isenburg Isenburg-Kelsterbach
John V, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst (also counted as John XIV, including also non-ruling namesake siblings; 1460,Oldenburg – 10 February 1526, Oldenburg) was a member of the House of Oldenburg. He was the ruling Count of Oldenburg from 1500 to 1526. His parents were Gerhard VI, Count of Oldenburg and Adelheid of Tecklenburg.

Magnus I of Saxe-Lauenburg (Ratzeburg, 1 January 1488 – 1 August 1543, Ratzeburg) was a Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg from theHouse of Ascania.
Magnus was the second son of John V, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg and Dorothea of Brandenburg, daughter of Frederick II, Elector of Brandenburg.
Catherine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1488 – 29 June 1563, Neuhaus upon Elbe) was a member of the house of Welf and a Princess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel and by marriage Duchess of Saxe-Lauenburg.
Catherine was a daughter of the Duke Henry IV of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1463–1514) from his marriage to Catherine of Pomerania(1465–1526), daughter of the Duke Erich II of Pomerania.
Maurici I de Hessen-Kassel (en alemany Moritz von Hessen-Kassel) va néixer a Kassel (Alemanya) el 25 de maig de 1572 i va morir a Eschwege el 15 de març de 1632. Era un noble alemany, fill del landgravi Guillem IV (1532-1592) i de Sabina de Württemberg (1549-1481).
Agnès de Solms-Laubach (1578-1602), filla del comte Joan Jordi I (1547-1600) i de Margarida de Schonbourg-Glauchau (1554-1608).
João Casimiro de Zweibrücken-Kleeburg (20 de abril de 1589 - 18 de junho de 1652) foi o filho do conde palatino João I de Zweibrücken e da sua esposa, a duquesa Madalena de Jülich-Cleves-Berg. Foi também o fundador de um ramo de condes palatinos Wittelsbach frequentemente chamado de "linha sueca", já que dele nasceram três reis da Suécia, mas que é mais conhecida por linha Kleeburg.[1]
Em 1591, o seu pai estipulou que, sendo um filho mais novo, João Casimiro receberia de apanágio o condado de Neukastell noPalatinado. Contudo, após a morte do seu pai em 1604, o seu irmão mais velho, conde palatino João II de Zweibrücken, preferiu assinar um compromisso com João Casimiro onde este recebia apenas o castelo de Neukastell juntamente com um rendimento anual de três mil florins de receitas da corte. De forma semelhante, o outro irmão mais velho de João Casimiro, Frederico Casimiro, recebeu o castelo de Landsberg com os pequenos territórios que o rodeavam, em vez de todo o apanágio de Landsberg que lhe tinha sido deixado em testamento pelo pai.

Catarina da Suécia (em sueco: Katarina Karlsdotter Vasa; 10 de novembro de 1584 – 13 de dezembro de 1638) foi uma princesa sueca e uma condessa palatina de Zweibrücken-Kleeburg pelo seu casamento com o conde João Casimiro de Zweibrücken-Kleeburg. É conhecida por ter sido por um tempo a mãe adoptiva da rainha Cristina da Suécia.
Catarina foi a única filha que sobreviveu até a idade adulta do primeiro casamento do rei Carlos IX da Suécia com a condessaAna Maria do Palatinado-Simmern. A sua personalidade foi descrita nos seguintes termos: "era uma mistura perfeita do poder e sabedoria do pai com a humildade branda da mãe". Quando a sua mãe morreu em 1589, o seu pai voltou a casar-se, desta vez com a duquesa Cristina de Holstein-Gottorp.
Cristóbal de BadenChristoph von Baden
- Bernardo III de Baden, born 7 April 1474 (Tuesday) - ZZZ, Deceased 29 June 1536 (Monday) age at death: 62 years old
Married in 1535 to - Francisca de Luxemburgo, born in 1520 - ZZZ, Deceased 17 June 1566 (Friday) age at death: 46 years old
Cecilia Vasa (nacida Cecilia Gustavsdotter) (6 de noviembre de 1540 - Bruselas, 27 de enero de 1627). Princesa sueca, hija deGustavo I de Suecia y Margarita Leijonhufvud. Fue consorte del margrave Cristóbal de Baden-Baden.
Cecilia se vio involucrada en 1559 en el llamado escándalo de Vadstena, de tipo sexual, durante la estancia de su hermana Catalina y el esposo de ésta en Vadstena. Por un lacayo del castillo se supo que Juan, el cuñado de Catalina, trepó hasta la ventana de Cecilia. La noche siguiente, el duque Erik, el hermano mayor de las princesas, ordenó vigilar y logró sorprender a Juan y a Cecilia en clara actitud erótica. Erik ordenó encarcelar a Juan durante nueve meses.
En 1564 fue dada en matrimonio al markgrave Cristóbal de Baden-Baden. Recibió de herencia la ciudad sueca de Arboga, y frecuentemente se hacía nombrar condesa de Arboga. El matrimonio visitó Inglaterra en 1565 con el fin de tratar de convencer a la reinaIsabel I de casarse con Erik, el hermano mayor de Cecilia.
Durante buena parte de la década de 1570, Cecilia permaneció en Suecia, donde intentaría cobrar su dote y además se convertiría a lareligión católica. Mientras tanto su esposo falleció en 1575.
En 1588 su hijo mayor asumió como markgrave, y Cecilia se dedicó a una vida de despilfarro, que incluía una intensa actividad social y frecuentes viajes.
Sobre Cecilia Vasa se originó un desafortunado rumor en los Países Bajos sobre su presunta actividad de prostitución en la ciudad deAmberes.

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