Henry was the son of Berthold and Eilika (Eiliswintha or Eila) of Walbeck. His father's parentage is not known with certainty, but he may have been a son of Arnulf, Duke of Bavaria. Henry was Bavarian, whoever his grandfather.
Gerberga, daughter of Herbert of Wetterau Gerberga of Gleiberg (c. 970 – aft. 1036) was a daughter of Herbert of Wetterau and Irmtrud of Avalgau (957 – 1020).
Berthold of Schweinfurt (died 15 January 980) was a German nobleman.
He was first mentioned as a count in 941. In 960, he was mentioned as count in the Radenzgau. In 961, he appears as count on the lower Raab and in 973 as count in the Volkfeld shire. After successful battles in Bohemia and Hungary, he is named as margrave in 976. In 980, he appears as count in eastern Franconia.
His background is disputed. The most likely theory is that he was a son (or grandson) of Arnulf, Duke of Bavaria. That would make him a member of the Luitpolding dynasty. Another theory sees him as the son of Arnulf's brother Berthold, Duke of Bavaria. Yet another theory puts him into the Popponids family. It is certain that his brother, or nephew, Leopold I, Margrave of Austria was the founder of the Austrian House of Babenberg.
The Comes Bertholdus who was mentioned in 941, was tasked by Emperor Otto I with guarding Lothar II, Count of Walbeck, who had been taken prisoner. Lothar was pardoned the following year, and Berthold married his daughter Eilika (d. 19 August 1015). She later initiated the construction of the minster in Schweinfurt, where she was buried.
In 964, Berthold was tasked by Otto with guarding another prisoner, King Berengar II of Italy, who was kept prisoner in Bamberg. In 973, Berthold participated in the ousting of the rebellious Henry II, Duke of Bavaria.
Eilika of Walbeck, daughter of Lothar II, Count of Walbeck
Arnulf I "the Angry", duke of Bavaria 890-937 Luitpold, margrave of Bavaria y Cunigonde of Swabia
Luitpold, margrave of Bavaria 860.907 Ernst, count of Bavaria; dght. of Rudolf von Welf y Oda Bayern
Cunigo nde of Swabia 880.915 Berthold I, count palatine in Swabia y Gisela of Alsace çç
Ernst, count of Bavaria 825-59Liutperht von Bayern; Luitperht I of Nordgau von Bayern y Fredeburg Frommen

Liutperht von Bayern 722-816 Luitpold II von Bayern y Ilsana
Luitpold II von Bayern 811-46 Luitpold I von Freising y N.N. von Hohenkammer
Ilsana 803
Luitpold I von Freising 806-42
N.N. von Hohenkammer 763-823 Regino (Huosi) av Hohenkammer
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