jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017


Otto Orseolo (ItalianOttone Orseolo, also Urseolo; c. 992-1032) was the Doge of Venice from 1008 to 1026. He was the third son of Pietro II Orseolo and Maria Candiano, whom he succeeded at the age of sixteen, becoming the youngest doge in Venetian history.[

ÁRPÁD(házi) Mária? - Ilona, Princess of Hungary 1000-26  ÁRPÁD(házi) Géza, a magyarok nagyfejedelme / Grand prince of the Hungarians y Sarolt - Sarolta fejedelemasszony, az erdélyi Zombor gyula II leánya / Grand Princess consort of the Magyars, daughter of Zombor gyula II of Transylvania 

Pietro II Orseolo, 26th Doge of Venice 960-1009  Pietro I Orseolo, 25th Doge of Venice y Felicitas Di Malipiero 

Pietro I Orseolo, 25th Doge of Venice 928-87 

Felicitas Di Malipiero 940  Count Di Malpiero 

Pietro Orseolo 900

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