viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017


Rotbald of Angelica, count of Provence 907-50 Boson d'Arles, margrave of Tuscany y Willa of Burgundy

 Ermengarda d'Aquitània, Comtessa consort de Provença 910 Guillaume I the Pious, Count of Auvergne & Duke of Aquitaine y Engelberge de Provence


Boson d'Arles, margrave of Tuscany 885-936 Theobald, count of Arles y Bertha de Aries


Willa of Burgundy 885-936 Rudolph I, King of Upper Burgundy y Willa, Queen of Upper Burgundy



Theobald, count of Arles 832-87 e Hucbert, duke of Transjurane Burgundy y Wife of Hucbert de Vienne

Bertha de Aries 863-925 Lothair II, king of Lotharingia y Waldrada of Wormsgau



Hucbert, duke of Transjurane Burgundy 824-66 Boson III "the Old", count of Arles y Engeltrude



Boson III "the Old", count of Arles 800-55 

Engeltrude 804-83 

Boson II, Count of Italy 740-826 

Boso di Turin 720-50 

Aripert II, duke of Turin 680-712 

Raginpert, king of the Lombards 660-702 

Godeperto, king of the Lombards 625-82 

Ragnetrude of East Anglia 625 e Rægenhere y Clothilde of Allemannia



Aripert I, king of the Lombards 590-661 

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