jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017


Mathilde Gräfin von Passau und von Cham 1036-98 Hermann I Count of Kasti y Haziga von Scheyern

Hermann I Count of Kasti 1016-56 Herman IV, duke of Swabia y Adelaida di Susa, Marchese di Turino
Haziga von Scheyern 1027-1107 de Father of Hadegunda von Scheyern y Mother of Hadegunda von Scheyern

Herman IV, duke of Swabia 1015-38  Ernest I, duke of Swabia y Gisela of Swabia, Holy Roman Empress 

Adelaida di Susa, Marchese di Turino 1010-91  Olderico Manfredi II, Marchese di Torino e Susa y Berta degli Obertenghi 

Ernest I, duke of Swabia 985-1015  Leopold I, margrave of Austria y Richardis of Sualafeldgau 

Gisela of Swabia, Holy Roman Empress 989-1043  Herman II, duke of Swabia y Gerberge of Burgundy 

Leopold I, margrave of Austria 940-94

Richardis of Sualafeldgau 950-94  Ernst IV of Sualafeldgau im Sualafeldgau 

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