Adelaide of Burgundy 869-929
Conrad II "the Younger", duke of Transjurane Burgundy 825-76
Waldrada of Wormsgau 845-68 e Liudolf I "the Great", duke of Saxony y Oda of Billung
Conrad I "the Elder", count of Auxerre 805-66
Adelaide of Tours 819-82 Hugh II "the Timid", count of Tours y Ava / Bava de Morvois
Welf I, count in Swabia 776-825

Hedwig, Abbess of Chelles 780-843 e Isembart, count in Thurgau y Theodrada of St. Quentin, abbess of Herford
Chrotard von Argengau, graf von Metz, Argengau, Friuli 745-71
Ermenane Thiedrada Martel, van 745-70
Hardrad 695-755
Richbold, perhaps count in the Argengau 690-762
Ermengarde 690-753
Agilulf De Vintzgau 695-725
Ada De Vintzgau 785 e Chrotbert De Neustrie y Théodrada De Neustrie
Count Palatine Neustrasia, II 651-78
Folchaide X Saksen, van 650-95 Count Palatine of Bavaria Robert De Salzbourg y Theodora De Salzbourg
Lantpert, duke of Bavaria 636-80
Theodo I, duke of Bavaria 602-70
Gleisnod di Friuli 602-93 Gisulf II, duke of Friuli y Romilda
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