Nevelung de BETÜWE 900-953 y NN de MAASGAU 912-958; Emmo de VLIERMAL 935-
Ricfried de BETÜWE ca 840-900 y Hervesinde NN 865-; Baudry de MAASGAU ca 867-/938 &

Baldéric de BETÜWE ca 810-846; Adalbert I° de MAASGAU 847-928 y Demoiselle de SARRE;
Umruoc II de Saint-Bertin d'ARTOIS, seigneur de Saint-Bertin ca 770-839/ y Engeltrude de FRIOUL ca 780-857; Giselbert de MAASGAU, comte de Hainaut ca 820-875/ y Irmengarde CAROLINGIENNE 827-864; Ragnhard II de SARRE
Bérenger d'ARTOIS, comte d'Artois ca 745- Audran I° de FRIOUL ca 740-792 &

Adalric d'ARTOIS ca 720-ca 780; Didier Ier de LOMBARDIE, roi des Lombards ca 710-ca 774 &

Sévère de LOMBARDIE 680-737; Liuprand de LOMBARDIE ca 690- ; Mainier de SENS ca 725-800; Aubry II de BLISGAU 725 &; Ingerman de HASPENGAU 735-778
Paul the Deacon; Albo, count of Sens ; Aubry I De Bliesgau ; Robert Ier,comte de HESBAYE, sgr de Rheingau ca 710-764/ (Comte en Hesbaye) y Williswinthe de WORMSGAU ca 710-764/
Walter de Lorraine, Count of Neustria; Lambert II de HESBAYE, noble de Hesbaye †741/; Adalheim de WORMSGAU ca 680- &

Aubri I, count in Neustria ; N de HESBAYE, noble de Hesbaye;
Brunulf de Lorraine, I, Count of Neustria ; Robert de SALZBOURG, maire du palais de Neustrie †677 y Théoda N*
Ydulf Of Belgium and Luxembourg y Aya Adelgunde; Erlebert de THÉROUANNE
Ydulf (Yudulf) de Lorraine of Belgium and Luxembourg; Waudbert III, count of Lommois y Clothilde of the Ostrogoths;
Waudbert I, count of Ardennes y Rithilde de Hainaut d'Ardennes; Waudbert II, count of Lommois y Amalberga of the Thüringians; Athalaric, King of the Ostrogoths y Clothilde;
Adalric, King of Ardennes y Argotta of the Ostrogoths; Waudbert I, count of Ardennes y Lucille of Pannonia; e Amalafrid of the Thüringians; Flavius Eutharicus Cilliga, Consul of Rome y Amalasuintha, Queen of Italy;
Chlodébaud, King of the Franks at Cologne y Amalberge de Metz; Zenon y ? De Pannonie; Hermanfried, king of the Thüringians y Amalaberga, Queen of the Thuringii; Wideric, Exiled King of the Ostrogoths y (Generation 14); Theodoric "the Great," king of the Ostrogoths y Audofledis of the Salian Franks
e Chlodégar, king of the Salian Francs at Cologne y Ildégonde of the Franks; Chlodoweg, King of the Franks at Cologne y Wedelphe of the Thüringians; Basinus II, king of the Thüringians y Ménia, a Lombard; Hugo, Rex Francorum y Amalafreda "the Elder", Queen of the Vandals; Berimud, Counselor to Theodorid I of the Visigoths y (Generation 13); Theodomir, king of the Ostrogoths y Ereleuva, concubine of Theodimir; Childéric I, King of the Franks y Basina II of the Thüringians
Théodémir, King of the Franks at Thérouanne y Argotta of the Franks; Dn. Marcomir de Colonia y Hildegonde / Ildegond De Cologne; Chlodégar, king of the Salian Francs at Cologne y Ildégonde of the Franks; Weldelphus, King of the Thüringians (Fictitious Person) y Amalaberge of the Ostrogoths; Basinus I, king of the Thüringians y Basina II of the Thüringians; Theodomir, king of the Ostrogoths y Ereleuva, concubine of Theodimir; Thorismund "The Chaste" of the Ostrogoths; Vandalarius; Mérovech Mérovingiens, leader of the Frankish tribes; Childéric I, King of the Franks y Basinus I, king of the Thüringians
Flavius Richomeres, Consul of Rome (384) y Ascyla; ******************Genebald II, duke of the East Franks y Blesinde of the Suevi; Aldeoch van de Lombarden; Merwig I, King of the Thüringians; Valaravans ; Hunimund "the Beautiful" of the Ostrogoths; e Vinitharius "the Just", Warlord of the Ostrogoths; Clodius de Cologne, VI y Basina de Westphalia;
Teutomer, a Frankish general; Ascyllius