viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Ascendientes 87

Gertrudis de Sajonia (c.1030 - 4 de agosto de 1113), también conocido como Gertrudis Billung, fue condesa consorte de Holanda y condesa consorte de Flandes por el matrimonio. Ella fue regente de Holanda durante la minoría de su hijo.
Ella era hija del duque Bernardo II de Sajonia y Eilika de Schweinfurt.

Bernard II (c. 995 – 29 June 1059) was the Duke of Saxony (1011–1059), the third of the Billung dynasty, a son of Bernard I and Hildegard. He had the rights of a count in Frisia.
Eilika of Schweinfurt (c. 1005 – 10 Dec aft. 1059) came from a Bavarian noble family. She was daughter of MargraveHenry of Schweinfurt and Gerberga of Gleiberg (970 – aft. 1036)

Bernard I (c. 950 – 9 February 1011) was the Duke of Saxony (973–1011), the second of the Billung dynasty, a son of Duke Herman and Oda. He extended his father's power considerably.
 Hildegard (died 1011), daughter of Henry I the Bald, Count of Stade (died 976).

Hermann Billung (900 or 912 – 27 March 973) was the Margrave of theBillung March from 936 until his death. The first of the Saxon House of Billung, Hermann was a trusted lieutenant of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor.
Though never Duke of Saxony himself, while Otto (who was the enthroned Duke of Saxony) was in Italy from 961 until 972, Hermann served as Otto's personal representative in governing Saxony. Towards the end of his life, Hermann was the effective Duke in all but name.
Hermann died in 973, just two months before Otto's own death. Hermann's son Bernard I was named as the new Duke of Saxony by Otto I's son Otto II, the new Holy Roman Emperor.

Hermann was the son of the Eastphalian count Billung von Stubenskorn (c. 890-967) and Ermengarde of Nantes.

Billung u Hildegard.jpg
Hildegarde of Westerburg 935-96  Lothar I, graf von Walbeck & Stade y Swanehild 

Billung IV von Stubenskorn Billung, Graf in Sachsen 900-67 Bruno III Billung, Graf in Sachsen y Gerberge van Hamaland 

Ermengarde de Nantes 900-50  Witbert de Nantes y Adeltrude 

Bruno III Billung, Graf in Sachsen 870-917  Billung II. Graf in Sachsen 

Gerberge van Hamaland 800-50

Billung II. Graf in Sachsen 840-88  Ludolf Billung, Graf in Sachsen y Oda Billung, Gräfin in Sachsen 

Oda Billung, Gräfin in Sachsen 810

unbekannter Prinz Billung von Sachsen 780  Bruno II, duke of Saxony-Engern y Hasalda of the Saxons 

Ode von Merseburg, Gräfin in Sachsen 790  Eckbert II 'le Feal', Graf von Merseburg y Ida von Merseburg 

Bruno II, duke of Saxony-Engern 756-813  Bruno of Saxony y NN von Asseburg 

Hasalda of the Saxons 756-854  Widukind, duke of Saxony 

Bruno of Saxony 725-87  Wernicke, King of the Saxons y Kunhilde of Rügen 

NN von Asseburg 726-55  Dietrich von Asseburg y NN von Asseburg 

Wernicke, King of the Saxons 695-768  Theoderich, King of the Saxons y Dobzogera von Wenden, Königin der Sachsen 

Kunhilde of Rügen 705-55  Gündelhard von Rügen y Gerswinde von Alemannien 

Theoderich, King of the Saxons 670-740  Sieghard, King of the Saxons y Julanthe of the Obodtrites 

Dobzogera von Wenden, Königin der Sachsen 655-80  Billung von Wenden, Graf in Sachsen yFreduna de Wenden 

Sieghard, King of the Saxons 630-91  Berthold, King of the Saxons y Wife of Berthold 

Julanthe of the Obodtrites 630-75  Goswin of the Obodtrites y Unknown Von Sachsen 

Berthold, King of the Saxons 567-633  Bodik, king of the Saxons y Irmafreda, of Kent 

Bodik, king of the Saxons 505-68  Hulderick, King of the Saxons

Irmafreda, of Kent 535-78

Hulderick, King of the Saxons 500-40  Hathwigate, King of the Saxons y Álofr 

Hathwigate, King of the Saxons 480-524  Hartwaker, King of the Saxons 

Álofr 485

Hartwaker, King of the Saxons 455-80  Hengest, king of Kent 

Hengest, king of Kent 418-88  Wihtgils 

Wihtgils 352-413 

Witta 374

Vegdagr 369-88  Odin 

Odin 279-339  Borr y Bestla 

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